Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for decades and mostly used in a science-fiction context. As a result, many people are either terrified of it or assume it is as inexplicable as magic. However, like all science, AI has concepts that are accessible to us...
I’m obsessed with memory. I love the subject and discussing the behavioral sciences that explain it. Today, we decided to address memory and how crucial it is to enhance your customers’ recollections of their experience with you. We discussed this...
A genuine effort to understand your customers’ emotions is essential to your Customer Experience design. Also, when you can segment based on customers’ behavior and the needs the behavior indicates, you can customize your experience to appeal to each...
Some people watch things happen, some make things happen, and some say, “what happened?” Some organizations out there concerning the pandemic (and maybe other things, too) are falling into that third category. In this issue, we will discuss how to avoid...
Customer Memories are a fascinating subject. In many ways, they are what your Customer Experience is, at least from the customers’ perspective, which we also discussed on a recent podcast. They are certainly the most critical element of your customer loyalty....