‘Top 50 Marketing Thought Leader’ Reveals Latest Trend

‘Top 50 Marketing Thought Leader’ Reveals Latest Trend

Wouldn’t it be great if you could truly predict Customer’s behavior. Well you can! Welcome to the world of behavioral economics. I have recently been included in Brand Quarterly’s ‘Top 50 Marketing Thought Leaders over 50’ and they asked me an interesting...
This CEO is Making a BIG Mistake

This CEO is Making a BIG Mistake

Airbnb’s business continues to grow, as do the concerns of many hotel chains. But not Hilton. Their CEO claims the Airbnb business is a segment of the market and nothing more. Whilst I agree that the Airbnb is a different segment of guest, ignoring the Airbnb segment...
10 Things to Do When Leading in Turmoil

10 Things to Do When Leading in Turmoil

How do you lead in times of turmoil or growth? The answer is: leadership and communication. In times of turmoil, people look to leaders to lead. All too often in corporate life, however, these times are when leaders run and hide. To that end, here are ten things...