NPS®/CSAT attitudinal measures (I use the terms interchangeably) are all very well but companies make a fatal error when they confuse Output with Input in the design of their touchpoint metrics. Too many times I have seen companies try to apply an NPS®/CSAT measure to...
How High Standards Can Hurt Your Business I was sitting in the reception of a new client the other day and I always take the time to look around, as reception areas start to tell you what the organization is like. I noticed on the wall there was a big sign that...
Regular readers will know that we do not choose between experiences, but we choose between memories of experiences and therefore how your memory is formed becomes important when designing a great Customer Experience. I talked about the difference between experience...
In many of my blogs I have emphasised how current business practices are almost being designed to crush innovation. There is in short a severe deficit of Creative Equity in favour of Analytical Equity (see my blog, ‘Manage your Creative Equity’). The reasons are not...
Almost all companies have insight departments that statistically model the drivers and destroyers of consumer behaviour. Yet this predictive modelling is flawed as it assumes that what customers react to today in terms of their drivers to buy are the same as what...