Are You Being Disruptive?

Are You Being Disruptive?

You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. This is a phrase I often use with my clients. I am in the game of helping organizations improve the Customer Experience. What we know today is most Customer Experiences are poor or at best, average. This means...
Are You Being Disruptive?

Reaching the 5 Types of M Shoppers

The other day I was with my wife looking at an entertainment center at a big box store. As you know, the prices are less at a store like this because you get to buy a mass-produced piece of furniture that suits your needs and looks reasonably good for a fair price....
Are You Being Disruptive?

Are You Ready For Your Next Promotion?

Over my long career I have discovered there a number of signs that indicate if people are ready for their next promotion. In my experience there are three stages of maturity that people go though. I hope this will help you define which you are and therefore what is...