by Colin Shaw | Apr 12, 2010 | Expert's Insights, Social Media
Malcolm Gladwell on Social Media… Author: Colin Shaw Malcolm Gladwell, one of my favourite authors, has shared his thoughts on Social Media. The short interview is definitely worth a read. Overall Gladwell suggests that social media has been a positive for the...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 6, 2010 | Social Media
Social Media running free…. Author: Colin Shaw Social Media is currently running free. One of the issues with social media being a relatively new medium is that it lacks a defined purpose and real backing within organisations. Unless organisations are...
by Colin Shaw | Mar 29, 2010 | Customer Behaviour, Customer Experience, Expert's Insights, Market Research, Social Media
How Sentiment Analysis could improve your Customer Experience… What are your customers really saying about you? For decades organisations have used feedback forms, focus groups and first hand comments to gain insight into their customers opinions. The growth of...
by Colin Shaw | Mar 26, 2010 | Customer Experience, Social Media
Measuring Social Media ROI: Digital Customer Experience Holy Grail…. “That’s nice that they ‘liked’ our status, but did they go and buy our product?” Proving the specific influence that social media has on an organisations finances has traditionally been a...
by Colin Shaw | Mar 25, 2010 | Customer Experience, Social Media
Twitter looks more and more promising for Customer Engagement…. As Twitter continues to grow and grow, its demographic begins to change. This may open up new opportunities for your brand to engage with customers over the popular micro-blogging medium. If you...
by Colin Shaw | Mar 22, 2010 | Customer Behaviour, Customer Experience, Social Media
How Emotional Intelligence influences how you behave on Facebook…. How many Facebook friends do you have? 10? 125? 1000? The number of friends you have on social networks is unlikely to actually correlate to how many you have in real life. A recent study has...