My daughter Abbie is at Leeds University in England. She is making me very environmentally conscious and I now find myself say “no I won’t have a bag” in the supermarket, which is a significant shift to where I was 12 months ago. Back then I wouldn’t have given it a second thought.

I have just started to realize, I know maybe I am late, the amount of packing that companies use. Therefore I was really pleased when I say this Amazon Frustration free packing. With Christmas nearly upon us I thought that people may want to contribute to the The Gallery of Wrap Rage. This is a place where you can upload pictures of you frustrations with packing.

So what is the learning here. Customer’s views can change very quickly. Social trends can change quickly. But do businesses change quickly? The power of the internet is now publicizing things at a tremendous speed and embarrassing companies into change.

By COLIN SHAW | Published: DECEMBER 8, 2008