Facebook Fan Page ROI: A Customer Experience Case Study…

Ever needed a case study of an effective Facebook Fan Page? Here it is 

Everyone has to set up a Facebook Fan Page for their organisation, right? I mean, this if your organisation isn’t involved in social media then does it even exist? That’s what a lot of people would want you to believe. The truth is that you shouldn’t get involved in social media unless you’re prepared to invest time & effort and also have a clear expectation of what you consider your ROI to be.

To date, proving social media ROI has been quite a disparate and off the cuff practise, with different organisations and services offering different metrics and measures of success. I came across a great case study in the US Airways Magazine of how social media can deliver real world results. Utpal M. Dholakia and Emily Durham ran an experiment with Dessert Gallery, a bakery and cafe chain popular in Houston. They set up a Facebook Fan page, invited everyone from their original mailing list, and proceeded to spend 3 months following best practise brand behaviour for Facebook Fan Pages. After three months, they found that fans of their Facebook Fan Page…

Though they spent about the same amount of money per visit, they increased their store visits per month after becoming Facebook fans and generated more positive word-of-mouth than nonfans. They went to DG 20 percent more often than nonfans and gave the store the highest share of their overall dining-out dollars. They were the most likely to recommend DG to friends and also had the highest average Net Promoter Score® — 75 compared with 53 for Facebook users who were not fans and 66 for customers not on Facebook. DG fans also reported significantly greater emotional attachment to DG — 3.4 on a four-point scale, compared with 3.0 for other customers. Additionally, fans were the most likely to say they chose DG over other establishments whenever possible.

As you can see these are some great results. It didn’t have a huge impact on Dessert Gallery’s overall sales, but gave a clear indication that Facebook was an effective medium for interacting with their customers. Facebook provided Dessert Gallery’s fans with a great customer experience, that enhanced their overall perception of the brand, drove more sales and helped improve customer retention. So when you next need an example of great use of social media for improving the customer experience, remember Dessert Gallery.

You can read the original article here

Check out the Dessert Gallery Facebook Fan Page

Author: Colin Shaw


By Colin Shaw | Published: April 14, 2010