by Colin Shaw | Jul 27, 2010 | Customer Experience, Expert's Insights
Choose third party collaborators carefully when designing your customer experience – Apple Case Study !!!! Author: Colin Shaw Steve Jobs has spent decades designing, building and perfecting the Apple customer experience. However, in recent weeks all this hard work...
by Colin Shaw | Jul 22, 2010 | Customer Behaviour, Expert's Insights, Market Research
The surprising things that motivate us … Another RSA Animate video that has really inspired me to think differently about motivation and the customer experience. I’ve been really enjoying the RSA’s Animate series on YouTube. It’s a great storytelling medium that...
by Colin Shaw | Jul 21, 2010 | Customer Experience, Expert's Insights, Management
Customer Service lessons from the Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh… Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO, has become famous for creating a company culture that is centred on a great customer experience. Tony was interviewed over at the Harvard Business Review and we’ve nabbed the four...
by Colin Shaw | Jul 16, 2010 | Customer Experience, Expert's Insights, Market Research
The correlation between Stock Market performance and the Customer Experience Index. Forrester Research recently updated the source data and reanalyzed the findings found in the correlation between their Customer Experience Index (CxPi) rankings and stock market...
by Colin Shaw | Jul 6, 2010 | Customer Behaviour, Expert's Insights
The rise of Collaborative Consumption As we move further and further into an inter-connected world, consumer behaviour is changing faster than most organisations can keep up with. The changes brought on by an interconnected world has maximised consumer power, allowing...
by Colin Shaw | Jun 21, 2010 | Customer Experience, Expert's Insights, Thought Leadership
Across the web Zappos has become synonymous with good customer service. The brand has some great customer service initiatives and has prided itself on its famous customer experience. We have previously blogged about how Zappos honoured a pricing error on one of their...