Does your brand offer an online experience within the social entertainment space!!!

Nielsen have published another insight into Americans online behaviour, with some the focus on social entertainment.

From the graphic you can see that Americans are spending nearly a quarter of their time online socially – whether its social media, gaming or email. This leaves little time for your brand site, your latest beautifully crafted online product experience or your latest press release. Year on year we are seeing people spend more and more time in the social web (there have been a 15% rise this year). I see this as an increasing mountain of evidence that if your organisation wants to speak your customers, to break through the noise and provide a memorable customer experience, then you must have a presence in the social space.

Whether its having a YouTube presence like the Home Depot, a Twitter account like Best Buy or just a great Facebook experience like Starbucks – if you’re audience is spending time online in the social space, you should see this as an opportunity to offer a customer experience, because you don’t want to not be there if they go looking for you.

Read the full Nielsen article full of statistics here

By COLIN SHAW | Published: SEPTEMBER 14, 2010