A recently published study reports that satisfaction levels with Car Insurance!!!!

Author: Colin Shaw

A recently published study reports that satisfaction levels with Car Insurance companies has decreased from last year.

I’m sure one of the factors will be increasing premiums on policies but I did spot an interesting standout from this trend – the company with the best customer satisfication score didn’t have the lowest rates. J.D. Power and Associates report that for the 11th consecutive year Amica Mutual Insurance was the standout insurer, beating the competition to rank highest for customer satisfaction. It was great to see that James Bussiere, the senior VP and superintendent of sales and client services for Amica, acclaimed this success to the importance of the organisations customer-focused philosophy:

“Amica never makes a change anywhere in the organization without asking, ‘How will this impact our customers? How will they be affected by this change?’ That truly drives the Amica experience,” Bussiere says. “When you call Amica, you’re speaking with an Amica employee.”

This is a great example of how an organisation can stand out from its competitors by offering not just a superior customer service, but a fully integrated customer-focused approach that puts the customer experience at the heart of everything.

Thanks to InsureWish.com for the smashing image!

By COLIN SHAW | Published: JANUARY 14, 2011