Average time an American spends online continues to rise!!!!

Americans continue to spend more time online according a report by Nielsen

Although its a small increase of just 3 minutes more online this month, the bigger statistic to look at is that Americans are spending an average of 2 hours a month on Google properties alone. The usual suspects are there in the top 10, although this is ranked by unique pageviews not time per person spent over the month – Facebook dominates in this category with over 6 hours of dwell time. It’s interesting to see the different dwell time on service sites such as Google or Yahoo compared to an experience property such as Facebook. This especially rings true for average time per person for Wikipedia, which despite its large number of pageviews, struggles to dominate peoples time online with people dipping in for an article or definition and leaving.

How are you designing your online customer experience? Are you looking for people to come to your site as a destination or a means to an end?

Have a look at the original Nielsen post on the Top online sites and brands in the US for July 2010 for all the details.

By COLIN SHAW | Published: AUGUST 16, 2010