Claire Dunwood has a pickle. She wants to know how to manage rising customer expectations with fewer resources than she used to have. This episode seeks to help her—and you—do exactly that. It’s pretty common to hear problems like this today. Responding to rising...
Learn more about Colin Shaw: Join over 85,000 people on our LinkedIn Newsletter list or visit our website for more great podcast episodes. Listen to the podcast: Personalization is an exciting and developing area for Customer Experiences. On the podcast, we...
Personalization is a developing area in Customer Experiences. With AI driving what could be possible, many of you might be wondering how you can best leverage its capability in yours. To that end, we invited our special guest, Graham Hill, Ph.D., to explore the...
Learn more about Colin Shaw: Join over 85,000 people on our LinkedIn Newsletter list or visit our website for more great podcast episodes. Listen to the podcast: I have been dealing with a load of tradespeople on my kitchen renovation. The excuses they devise...
Fair Warning: this episode regarding excuses was prompted by recent experiences with tradespeople during Colin’s kitchen renovation. No one likes excuses, least of all your customers. Lately, Colin has been hearing many amazing excuses about why something can or...