by Colin Shaw | Sep 29, 2010 | Expert's Insights
Experiences that stay with you for years!! Author: Colin Shaw It’s always great to see someone else on the blogosphere who is aligned with our vision of what makes up a great customer experience and we came across this post by Steve Billingham who references our...
by Colin Shaw | Sep 24, 2010 | Customer Behaviour, Expert's Insights
Companies are in a constant attempt to differentiate in order to acquire and retain customers!! Authors: Qaalfa Dibeehi and Kalina Janevska UK private insurers can be considered to be in the non-enviable position of competing with an opponent such as the government...
by Colin Shaw | Sep 22, 2010 | Customer Behaviour, Expert's Insights, Social Media
Author: Colin Shaw We’ve seen it coming over the past few years, but it appears that social commerce has finally arrived. Fast Company have written a great post on the rise of social commerce, an area that we believe is another key channel opening up for organisations...
by Colin Shaw | Sep 16, 2010 | Market Research
Author: Colin Shaw Interbrand have just released their latest report on the Best Global Brands in 2010. Image distributed free by I would recommend reading the full report, but as a sidenote, it’s interesting to see the Top 10 brands. With...
by Colin Shaw | Sep 15, 2010 | Customer Experience, Expert's Insights
Author: Colin Shaw One of my favourite bloggers, David Armano, has shared a great presentation he co-authored on Six Digital Trends To Watch. I think its a great summary of some of the emerging trends that are happening right now within the various online ecosystems...