3 Ways Customers’ Minds Plays Tricks on Them

I often say people are irrational, but only because they are. We all do irrational things. We like to think we make logical decisions based on rational thinking all the time, but we don’t. The truth is, your mind plays tricks on you every day, and many times, it’s in...

How You Feel Is Not Unique to You

Should I feel like this? New Research  Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly what your Customers were feeling when they experience your products or services? Well, that day has come a bit closer as a new study out of Cornell University discovers that the brain has...

The Role of CX in a Sales Culture

“You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth. People who feel like they’re being listened to feel accepted and appreciated. They feel like they’re being taken seriously and what they say really matters.” – Harvey Mackay, Sales Expert,...