by Colin Shaw | Jan 7, 2016 | Blogs
We have had a significant increase in the number of organizations contacting us for help with their Customer Experience program. Their program has plateaued and now they don’t know what to do. In many cases the initial focus on Customer Experience and new...
by Colin Shaw | Dec 23, 2015 | Blogs, Social Media
Social media is a psychological bid to get your attention. Getting it can be tough, but when you know how people make decisions and how that affects their behavior on social media, getting people’s attention gets much easier. And in nearly every situation the answer...
by Colin Shaw | Dec 22, 2015 | Blogs, Customer Experience
The VOC is more vociferous than ever. But what do you do when the VOC doesn’t have anything nice to say—and keeps posting it all over review sites? You must address them the three following ways. Respond quickly and sufficiently. Position the reviews to facilitate...
by Colin Shaw | Dec 17, 2015 | Blogs, Customer Loyalty
Do you have loyal Customers or do your Customers buy from habit? Mistaking Customers’ habit for loyalty is a common mistake to make. Many organizations think their Customers are loyal only to find out later they are not, typically after they lose them to a competitor....
by Colin Shaw | Dec 10, 2015 | Blogs, Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty
People don’t choose your product or service because of the experience they had; they choose it because of the experience they remember—and these two are not the same thing! Creating a great memory of your experience in your Customer’s mind is critical to creating...