What’s more important: Employee Satisfaction or Customer Retention? …

Following on from yesterdays post on motivation, I found this post rather interesting… 

Douglas Hanna, CEO of A Small Orange, has written a post arguing that employee satisfaction is key to exemplary customer service.

A motivated workplace helps all of us do our jobs better. Employees recommend us to prospective customers; they are commonly at the front lines, and the success of most organizations are based on employee loyalty and dedication. From self-awareness, employees can nurture customer satisfaction. Unfortunately we all know that bad employees cost us money, time and lost customers, so as we improve employee satisfaction and a lifetime of loyalty, we are improving everything about our customer service.

I would definitely agree that employee satisfaction is important in delivering exemplary customer service, but I wouldn’t say it is the key element. Unless there is a clear, deliberate and planned customer experience for employees to deliver, then it doesn’t matter how happy they are in their jobs – they will be delivering a different customer experience from their fellow employees and most likely every time they interact with a new customer.

Keeping your employees happy is essential to a healthy organisation, and is key to delivering exemplary customer service but it shouldn’t be prioritised over building a great customer experience that both customers and employees can enjoy.

Read the original blog post by Douglas over at the Social Customer here


By COLIN SHAW | Published: JULY 23, 2010