Emotional rooms, Emotional brands, Emotional customer experiences!!!

Author: Colin Shaw

The prolific Seth Godin has written a brilliant post on how we seek out emotions in our daily lives.

Occasionally we encounter emotions at random. More often, we have no choice, because there’s something that needs to be done, or an event that impinges itself on us. But most often, we seek emotions out, find refuge in them, just as we walk into the living room or the den.

Seth provocatively asks whether as brand or experience builders that we aim to evoke any emotions in our customers? When they walk into your store, how do they feel? Seth draws on the success of the Apple store in commanding people to visit and seek out the Apple experience – one you can only get by visiting the store. We believe emotions are the key drivers to the experience your customers feel they receive at any point of interaction with your organisation. Whether its your online store, a pamphlet they read or a call with an employee – each of these are touchpoints with opportunities to evoke an emotional customer experience.

How have you designed your customer experience to evoke emotions? Have you had any interesting comments from customers? Let us know in the comments.

Read Seth’s original post here

Photo courtesy of timsamoff

By COLIN SHAW | Published: SEPTEMBER 4, 2010