How to start a Customer Experience Programme

How do you start a successful Customer Experience program? Aviva (Norwich Union) are the fifth largest insurance company in the world. They have been working to improve their Customer Experience for the past 4 years. In the first of a series of videos, Darren Cornish...

CMO’s say one thing, and do another

If you read the predictions of the most important areas an organisation seems to focus on in 2009 a common theme is Customer retention. No surprise really in a down turn. What does astonish me is the lack of connection that is made between Customer Retention and...

My wife is like an American Airline

My wife, Lorraine, has a reputation with our friends for always being late. It is not that she does this intentionally, but to be honest she is a little disorganized and easily distracted. An hour before we are going out she will start to do something that will “will...