by Colin Shaw | Mar 19, 2009 | Customer Experience
In Clip #2, Darren Cornish, Director (VP) of Customer Experience at Aviva (Norwich Union) continues to explain how he engaged the Senior Executives team to improve the Customer Experience. By Colin Shaw | Published: March 19,...
by Colin Shaw | Mar 12, 2009 | Customer Experience
How do you start a successful Customer Experience program? Aviva (Norwich Union) are the fifth largest insurance company in the world. They have been working to improve their Customer Experience for the past 4 years. In the first of a series of videos, Darren Cornish...
by Colin Shaw | Feb 24, 2009 | Customer Experience, Management
Laying people off (making people redundant) is never an easy task. However, when you are faced with this task, how can you make this cloud have a silver lining and improve your Customer Experience? To answer this question let me draw a parallel with one of my business...
by Colin Shaw | Feb 19, 2009 | Customer Experience, Management
A recent article in Science Daily reports that under stress men and women response differently. In men, the research suggests, experience a “fight or flight” response, women had a more emotional response. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania used a high-tech...
by Colin Shaw | Feb 17, 2009 | Customer Experience
If you read the predictions of the most important areas an organisation seems to focus on in 2009 a common theme is Customer retention. No surprise really in a down turn. What does astonish me is the lack of connection that is made between Customer Retention and...
by Colin Shaw | Feb 10, 2009 | Customer Experience
My wife, Lorraine, has a reputation with our friends for always being late. It is not that she does this intentionally, but to be honest she is a little disorganized and easily distracted. An hour before we are going out she will start to do something that will “will...