Airbnb Gets It.  Do You?  Learn About The Airbnb Way

Airbnb Gets It. Do You? Learn About The Airbnb Way

The latest thing I am into is Airbnb. Airbnb properties have character, at least the ones that we chose. I like that when we use Airbnb, we stay places where we wouldn’t typically. I find Airbnb fascinating because it is an organization that is disrupting the...
2 Systems That Are Essential For Successful CX

2 Systems That Are Essential For Successful CX

We talk a lot about the difference between the two ways our brains think about things to make decisions, e.g., the Intuitive System and the Rational System. These two systems work together and tradeoff tasks between them. We talked about the two systems in a recent...
7 Things to Remember on the Customer Experience Journey

7 Things to Remember on the Customer Experience Journey

I complain a lot about companies that get Customer Experience wrong. Today, I am going to take another angle and explore how one company has taken on the Customer Experience journey and gets it right. RICOH Canada has done some incredible work in improving Customer...
The Fundamentals Of Effective Marketing Communications

The Fundamentals Of Effective Marketing Communications

Some people confuse marketing and advertising. Many people think they are the same thing. They are not, but advertising and its related communication is a crucial part of what marketing does. Advertising is where your organization communicates with the customer. It is...
Any Press Is Good Press, Right?

Any Press Is Good Press, Right?

Well…It depends! When I started Beyond Philosophy back in 2002, nobody knew us. I implemented a strategy based on one of Oscar Wilde’s phrases. Wilde said, “There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked...