Are You Using This Valuable Marketing Tool For Growth?

Are You Using This Valuable Marketing Tool For Growth?

People are way more afraid of shark attacks than we should be. The reason we are is the same reason branding works for your organization to attract customers. However, before we get to that, consider the following statistic. Since the year 1580, aka the year we...
Emerging Trends Revealed in Unique CX Research

Emerging Trends Revealed in Unique CX Research

We encourage clients to research their customers all the time. Late last year, we decided to take our advice and study our customers and prospective customers, and well, anyone. Some of the research told us what we expected to hear, but some of the revelations might...
Are You Making This BIG Mistake?

Are You Making This BIG Mistake?

Have you ever made a snap judgment about another person only to discover you were wrong? I have. Psychologists call this a Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE), and it can wreak havoc on your customer-driven growth.   We explored FAEs in our latest podcast and the...
Why Poor Customer Service is Rarely Successful

Why Poor Customer Service is Rarely Successful

We have all been in line or on hold for customer service, waiting for a company to get back to us. We tap our toes and roll our eyes as we wait.  Then, when our wait time runs long and our patience runs short we get cranky and think, this customer service crew is...