The Most Significant Things We Learned in 2020

The Most Significant Things We Learned in 2020

We are looking at ringing in 2021 with pleasure. How about you? Chances are you are ready to call this year last year, too. Although this year has been anything but usual, we typically look back at this time of year to review what we have learned. So, for better or...
Designing Country Culture into Your Global Experience

Designing Country Culture into Your Global Experience

A few years ago, when speaking in Singapore, I asked my audience questions during my presentation, like I always do. To my surprise, nobody answered, and the presentation suffered for it. Later I learned that in Asia, standing up and answering a question in front of...
Is Stress Becoming Intolerable?

Is Stress Becoming Intolerable?

I have a new book called Happy Employees Make Happy Customers. To summarize it, the book is about how Customer Experience exists within an ecosystem, and policies and procedures to manage it are not enough. If you want to have great experiences, you need to look out...