Constructing a cage that doesn’t exist

Recently I spent some time with a VP and his senior managers of a very large multinational company. I was amazed by the way he had built a series of constraints around himself that actually didn’t exist. The meeting started with him outlining the work they currently...

CMO’s say one thing, and do another

If you read the predictions of the most important areas an organisation seems to focus on in 2009 a common theme is Customer retention. No surprise really in a down turn. What does astonish me is the lack of connection that is made between Customer Retention and...

My wife is like an American Airline

My wife, Lorraine, has a reputation with our friends for always being late. It is not that she does this intentionally, but to be honest she is a little disorganized and easily distracted. An hour before we are going out she will start to do something that will “will...