Liar, Liar: Truth and Customer Loyalty

Advertising and marketing are part-and-parcel with the financial world. Many people simply decry any form of business or entrepreneurship as exploitative and manipulative. On the one hand, this camp’s perspective contains a kernel of truth: any form of persuasion for...

Buy or Sell? (In 140 Characters or Less)

The question of whether societies experience mood states that affect their collective decision-making is a provoking one, and it’s one that Dr. Johan Bollen – a computational mathematics researcher at the University of Indiana – asks in his 2011 paper “Twitter mood...

What do you mean by Customer Experience?

“What do you mean by Customer Experience?” I get asked this question all of the time. Although I help organizations to build great customer experiences every day, this is a surprisingly tricky question to answer. The best way to illustrate the concept is to offer...