by Colin Shaw | May 5, 2014 | Customer Experience
“Would you like smoking or non-smoking?” This was the question that any patron was greeted with for several years when they went to a restaurant. But since the ban of smoking in most public places around many countries country since, the question is as...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 30, 2014 | Customer Behaviour
Did you know that when you last went to the store, it’s likely that someone was watching your every move? But not to see if you were going to steal. No, they were watching so they could figure out what you were going to buy! Retail are simply taking the concept of...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 28, 2014 | Customer Behaviour
One thing that every organization has is customer groups, or segments that have certain characteristics that are the same and that have the same values for their experience. Understanding these segments is important because when you identify these groups and what...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 24, 2014 | Employee Experience
Employee engagement is a critical factor in having a great customer experience. Since so much of employee engagement has to do with having the right people in the right position, today’s hiring managers and leaders would do well to hire people for positions that...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 22, 2014 | Customer Emotions, Blogs
I often write about how different ads are coming out that target our emotions and how this is an important part of the customer experience…and many of you have read them (thank you for that, by the way!). For this reason, a recent article in The Economist that...