by Colin Shaw | Apr 27, 2015 | Blogs, Thought Leadership
I had achieved my goal. I had “made it” by corporate standards. I was a senior executive with a big corner office and a big salary to match. Over 3,500 people reported to me globally, and I had a budget of millions to “improve the Customer Experience.” So with all of...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 23, 2015 | Blogs, Digital Experience
Two billion people now use smart phones, and in America, for at least two hours a day. Many Customers only Customer Experience with you might be a Mobile Experience. How will they feel about yours? What does your app say about you? The Economist’s recent article,...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 21, 2015 | Blogs, Customer Emotions
How you feel at any given moment has a big effect on what you do. When someone is feeling happy, they may react to a situation much differently than they would when they feel stress. This is why in my new ebook Unlocking the Hidden Customer Experience: Short stories...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 17, 2015 | Blogs, Customer Experience, Employee Experience
Employee Experience and Customer Experience are linked. What is affecting one will affect the other. They are like an old married couple—when it works it is beautiful and inspiring; when it doesn’t, it is ugly and bewildering. Both members of this marriage have a...
by Colin Shaw | Apr 14, 2015 | Blogs, Customer Experience, Thought Leadership
Getting the CEO’s support for any initiative is vital, but how do you tell whether his or her commitment is genuine? Over the 13 years I worked on Customer Experience, I learned the tell-tale signs of authentic commitment. Here is my check list of ways to see if your...