Analyzing the Top 10 Global brands for online buzz….

Author: Colin Shaw

Just because your brand is famous worldwide, doesn’t mean its famous on the world wide web.

Buzz around brands online is traditionally spurred by real world events and their behaviour online. Currently, there is obviously a lot of chatter around BP and the oil spill, or Apple and the announcement of the new iPhone – both are events that happened IRL (in real life). Whilst, on the interwebs, Nestle has recently garnered a lot of bad press for the poor handling of its Facebook page.

Over at Jeff Bullas’ blog he reviews the top 10 global brands (based on Interbrands rankings) and the amount of buzz they are currently receiving online. There are some interesting findings, it appears that online buzz is massively influenced by the brands social media presence and activity.

Check out Jeff’s original blog post here


By COLIN SHAW | Published: JUNE 9, 2010