Twitters Ad Platform: opportunities for brands…..

Author: Colin Shaw

Twitter’s Ad Platform is yet to see any brands provide successful case studies or famous campaigns, so what is the future of the platform and what opportunities are there for brands?

Although some brands have ventured into advertising on the Twitter Search Ad platform, there has been little noise of any great success of the Promoted Tweet medium. What i find most interesting is the potential for Promoted Tweets that are deemed of high enough “resonance” or “quality” that they can become free tweets, and most likely by that point have been integrated into the twittersphere and have been retweeted or @replied to. This is where the crossover for paid/earnt media can truly come into fruition for brands, and is a great demonstration of how brands can weave their great customer experience into all their available media channels.

Augie Ray has put together a great summary of the potential opportunities for the platform with some potential watchouts.

Have you got any first-hand examples of using the Twitter Ad Platform?

Do you see yourself using the platform in the future to compliment your Customer Experience?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments.


By Beyond Philosophy | Published: May 27, 2010