Convincing your abstract thinking customers by giving them mixed emotions…
Author: Colin Shaw
Abstract thinkers may take a bit more convincing than the average consumer, however there is a workaround.
A new study publish in the Journal for Consumer Research reports that abstract thinkers are more likely to respond to adverts and communications that feature mixed emotions. Whilst age and culture were also found to influence results, researchers found that “people who think more abstractly are not bothered by having mixed emotions and in turn are more persuaded by mixed emotions appeals as compared to people who think at a more concrete level.”.
Participants were adverts with eliciting either positive emotions or mixed emotions, as age and tendency to abstract thinking increased, so did a preference for adverts eliciting mixed emotions. This has implications for your communications to your customers, you don’t always have to present a happy go lucky positive experience. Sometimes being honest about your category or offering, and not over promising, can position your service better for your audience.
Read the original article here
By Colin Shaw | Published: May 7, 2010