It’s pickle time again here on the podcast. This time John has a pickle with his new business. He wants to know some ways that he can get other people to help him sell his products and services. We knew several ways, eight in fact, and they might help you, too. 

One thing to consider when you listen to this list is how each of the tactics gets you what you want. In some cases, you might discover that our suggestion doesn’t. Or at least it doesn’t get you what you want right now. Later, once you have worked your way down the “to-dos” with your marketing and sales, one of the ones that didn’t work then would now.

For example, with Beyond Philosophy, Colin didn’t like the first tactic, Affiliated Marketing. He felt that by getting into a relationship where he was contractually bound to suggest a specific company might compromise his integrity to his clients. So, Colin has carefully avoided that one. 

However, that might not be the same for your business vertical or philosophy. It’s these goals for the communication or tactic that should drive these decisions for which ways work best for your business.

In this episode, we help John with his business pickle—and some of you, too—with our eight suggestions for what you can do to get other people to sell for you. 

Are you “in a pickle” at your firm, too? Tells us about here and we might feature your pickle on an episode of the podcast. 

Here are some other key moments in the discussion:

  • 06:09  We share the first tactic, Affiliated Marketing, which allows you to recruit others to present and close your product on your behalf. 
  • 10:03  The second tactic, Referral Programs, is another way you can leverage the relationships you have to make new ones. 
  • 17:48  We discuss Joint Ventures, including some that worked well and some that didn’t.
  • 21:07  We encourage John to sponsor a sports stadium, or at least a local soccer team, because sponsorships are a great way to build awareness.
  • 26:09  Ryan and Colin share final thoughts about how John’s new business can use these tactics to get other entities selling for him.


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