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Learn the power of saying “No!” to ensure you win and succeed

Learn the power of saying “No!” to ensure you win and succeed

Our recent guest on the podcast, author Vanessa Patrick, Associate Dean for Research, Professor of Marketing, and researcher in the Consumer Behavior Marketing field, has a new book, “The Power of Saying No: The New Science of How to Say No that Puts You in Charge of Your Life.” The book addresses the area of self-regulation or self-control. Let’s talk about what she shared here since many of you probably have to deal with this situation in your life, too.

While backed by the scientific method and lots of research, Patrick’s book also takes a self-help approach to embrace the pleasure of consumption but with boundaries that help with self-definition. Patrick says adding these constraints enables you to make decisions that align with your identity and create more fun and happiness. She calls this approach compassionate self-control, meaning your needs drive your decision. Instead of looking out for cues as to how to behave, Patrick encourages people to look within.

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