Customer Experience Podcast

The Intuitive Customer

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The Intuitive Customer Podcast – CX Podcasts
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7 Rules Guaranteed To Change Your Customer’s Habits To Gain ROI


Picture this: Your customers, like individuals, operate on habitual inclinations. So, if they habitually favor a competitor’s product or service, how does one instigate change? Here, we present seven potent ways to turn the tide.

But before diving into these transformative strategies, let’s peer into the psychological underpinnings of habits. They possess distinct characteristics:

  • A cue within our environment kickstarts the habitual response.
  • This cue triggers an automatic reaction stemming from ingrained memories.
  • The reward at the end reinforces the habit loop, solidifying its existence.

The crux lies in our Intuitive System. This part of our brain swiftly recognizes this cycle and transforms it into an automatic routine.

Colin’s Intuitive System has influenced his habits enormously as a customer. In the realm of modern convenience, Colin’s shopping mantra revolves around a singular hub: Amazon. Be it the fleeting wish for something or a dire need, Amazon stands as his go-to, an ingrained habit so sturdy that breaking it seems an arduous feat for anyone.

However, daunting doesn’t equate to impossible. In today’s episode, we delve into the art of habit transformation, uncovering seven strategic pathways to overhaul routines and maximize returns on investments.

Here are some other key moments in the discussion:

  • 04:10 Ryan explains the habit cycle, and what each point of it has to do with our brain’s way of processing information.
  • 09:24 We discuss the importance of recognizing these cycles in customers behavior and how that translates into your strategy for changing it with our first two rules.
  • 18:31 We explain how to craft a winning strategy for changing customer behavior (spoiler alert: it involves making it easy and rewarding for the customer).
  • 24:17 The discussion turns to how you can help things get easier and feel more rewarding by educating and reinforcing your desired customer behavior with rules 5 and 6.
  • 31:49 Colin reviews and summarizes the seven rules and how they can help.


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