
Customer Experience Strategies: Innovation and Best Practices From Around the World
Home 5 Blogs 5 Customer Experience Strategies: Innovation and Best Practices From Around the World
Customer Experience Strategies: Innovation and Best Practices From Around the World
Home 5 Blogs 5 Customer Experience Strategies: Innovation and Best Practices From Around the World

What countries are the most advanced in terms of customer experience? What’s the growth rate of customer experience within your industries, or in your country? What industries spend the most on customer experience?

I intend to answer these questions and more in Beyond Philosophy’s September 20, 2011 webinar during which I’ll present the results of our 2011 Global Customer Experience Management Survey.

My goal is for you to leave the webinar confident that you have a grasp on the most important industry and regional trends, business aspects of customer experience, and an understanding of operational innovations like social media.

Our 7-Stage Customer Experience Maturity Model, which we used to analyze the data from our research, is built around market research and our fifteen years of experience as an international boutique management-consulting firm. Our research comes from over 8,000 customer experience professionals with bases in all corners of the globe.

The findings we present will help you to understand the next frontier for customer experience growth by industry and region. Not only will you personally benefit from reviewing our research, but also you will be a part of a global conversation about future trends, like: Which industries are likely to see the most CE growth? What’s next in terms of CE innovation? What will be the next great advancement in CE?

The advent of social media and strong international growth in key industries are changing the game around the world; customer experience is maturing at a rapid pace. Join me by registering for our September 20 webinar and learn how you can stay ahead of the curve as a customer experience professional in 2012 and beyond.