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Master the Art of Language: How to Transform Other People’s Opinion of You

Master the Art of Language: How to Transform Other People’s Opinion of You

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Let’s begin this week’s issue with a test. I am going to share a British idiom, and you are going to determine what it means. It’s simple enough, yes? We will be on the honor system, so score yourself as you go along.

British Idioms:

  • Then, “Bob’s your uncle.”
  • I was “Chuffed to bits.”
  • I was “having a chinwag.”
  • I need to “spend a penny.”
  • You there, “on your bike.”

The Meaning:

  • It’s as simple as that.
  • I am feeling pleased and excited.
  • I was talking to someone.
  • I need to use the restroom.
  • Go away.

How did you do? My podcast partner only got two of five, but that was still pretty good, considering he’s from Ohio.

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