[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Emotions rule your customers’ buying decisions. Sure, their rationality weighs in sometimes, too, but often, it’s the emotional side that drives customers to buy. These two parts of us, the emotional and the rational represent the two ways of thinking that serve as the foundation for understanding customer behavior. Knowing how these two systems of thinking work together and, in some cases, against each other to make decisions is vital to achieving customer-driven growth.

We discussed these two systems of thinking on a recent podcast. The two systems represent the fast and emotional system and the slow and deliberate system. These different ways of thinking have gone by several names over the years by various psychologists. Perhaps the most famous recent naming was by Nobel-prize-winning economist Professor Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking Fast and Slow. He called the two systems System One and System Two. In my recent book, The Intuitive Customer, my co-author and I called them the Intuitive System and the Rational System.

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