[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]I write about the behavioral sciences a lot. I advise on some first steps for you to implement strategies based on behavioral science findings. However, I haven’t written about what you should do to make sure it works. So, today I want to talk about ensuring that your implementations of the behavioral sciences works for your business and the five rules that will help you do that.

We talked about these five rules on a recent podcast. The idea is that by following these, you set up your organization for the best possible outcome for your improvement efforts regarding the behavioral sciences.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]⦁ Focus on the goals or problems to be solved rather than applying the theory.
⦁ Get granular.
⦁ Identify your levers.
⦁ Identify your customers’ mindset.
⦁ Iterate.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]

Rule #1: Focus on the goals or problems to be solved and not in trying to apply an effect or a theory.

The way that we consume behavioral science insights is by learning the theories. Then, we say, “what can I do with this? How can I apply this? How can I make this work for my business?” As a brainstorming exercise, that’s OK. The unfortunate side effect is that sometimes, we end up forcing a theory we are excited about into the strategy that’s not right for the problem we’re trying to solve. The proper way to approach this solution is to define the problem and then determine what theories you can use to solve it.

However, it would help if you also realized when you don’t need a theory at all. Sometimes you only need to raise the price or advertise more. It’s not always the behavioral science solution. It would be best to think of behavioral science theories as powerful tools in addition to everything else. So, first, you should think about the problem and then use all the tools available to us to solve it, both traditional ones and ones from behavioral science. read more…