People ask me a lot if there is a difference between experiences and creating customer loyalty when you are a business-to-business (B2B) organization as opposed to a business-to-customer (B2C) one. The short answer is there isn’t. The long answer is the following newsletter inspired by a recent podcast and a business pickle by one of our listeners.

Here’s what Gad’s pickle is:

Hello. My question is coming from a machine learning company. We have a client that is interested in creating more stickiness or more loyalty to his own B2B clients. And he is selling raw materials, which sounds like something that is more difficult to distinguish or to be specialized. And the question is, how can we create a loyalty or stickiness to his customers? Is it possible to treat B2B and B2C similarly? Can you refer me to resources in that direction? Thank you.

Gad’s is a common problem, so hence, my focus on it for our newsletter today. Creating loyalty in a B2B relationship is a common concern for organizations. 

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