Why Video is the Untapped Jewel to Greatly Enhance Your Customers’ Experience

We created this newsletter in partnership with Streem.

Have you ever used the word “doohickey” or “thingymajig” in a call with a contact center? I have. I didn’t know what the whatchamacallit was, but I knew it wasn’t working. Unfortunately, the expert at the contact center didn’t know what the doodad I described was either, so we were at an impasse. We needed a better way to communicate.

We recently had a guest on the podcast who has a solution for situations like these. Jóhann Hannesson, Lead Product Manager and the head of Web Development at Streem, says that video could be the missing link between your customer and the expert in the contact center. Seeing the whatsit on screen might mean the expert can help the customer faster. (And seeing us on screen might make this topic more fun. Watch The Intuitive Customer YouTube Channel here.)

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